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Agricultural Engineering and Information Technology (Agricultural Mechanization) (M.Sc)

Time:Dec 14, 16:16    Click:

Theprogramis intended for individuals desiring an advanced degree with an emphasis on the practice of engineeringinhilly and mountainous agricultural and forestry equipment. The students are trained asapplication-oriented, cross-oriented and compound high-level talents.

Therearecurrentlythreeresearch directions:(1) Intelligent agriculturalmachineryin hilly areas,(2)Forestry equipment and information technology,(3) Agriculturalwaste utilization technology and equipment.The program mainly provides engineers an opportunity to continue their studies and specialize in the area ofagriculture and forestrymachinery. We cultivate application-oriented engineering and technical talent with innovative pioneering consciousness.

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COPYRIGHT©2022 College of Opto-Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang A&F University

Address: Building 14, College Building, No. 666 Wusu Street, Lin 'an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Tel: 0571-63743322 63748537 Email :ome@zafu.edu.cn

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