WeiLiu received Ph. D. degree from Jilin University in 2015. From 2015 to 2018,he joined Beijing Computational Science Research Center and University of California, Irvine for his postdoctoral research. Now, he is an associate professor, and is the tutor of optical engineering master in Zhejiang A&F University. He is mainly engaged in the fields of computational materials science and computational chemistry. His major research fields include properties regulation, application exploration, and novel two-dimensional materials design based on graphene and inorganic two-dimensional materials. He presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Up to now, he has published 31 papers in international journals indexed by SCI, such as npj Computational Materials, Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, and Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
His representative papers are as follows:
[1]Kai Guo, Sitong Liu, Haoming Tu, Zhikun Wang, Liang Chen, Haiqing Lin, Maosheng Miao, Jing Xu*,Wei Liu*. Crown ethers in hydrogenated graphene. PhysicalChemistry Chemical Physics. 2021, 23 (34), 18983–18989. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1CP03069H
[2]Wei Liu, Lei Zhao, Eva Zurek, Jing Xia, Yonghao Zheng, Haiqing Lin, Maosheng Miao*. “Building egg-tray shaped graphenes that have superior mechanical strength and band gap”. npj Computational Materials. 2019, 5 (1), 71. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-019-0211-2.
[3]Lei Zhao,Wei Liu*, Wencai Yi, Tao Hu, Dalar Khodagholian, Fenglong Gu, Haiqing Lin,EvaZurek, Yonghao Zheng*, Maosheng Miao*. Nano-makisu: highly anisotropic two-dimensional carbon allotropes made by weaving together nanotubes. Nanoscale. 2019, 12 (1), 347–355. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9NR08069D.
[4]Wei Liu, Jingyao Liu, Jing Xia, Haiqing Lin, Maosheng Miao*. “Bubble-wrap carbon: an integration of graphene and fullerenes”. Nanoscale. 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8NR00126J. (Selected as back cover.)