Yao Lijian is a professor and doctoral supervisor. He graduated from Nanjing Agricultural University in 2008 with a PhD in agricultural mechanization engineering, a senior member of China Agricultural Engineering Society, a standing director of Zhejiang Agricultural Engineering Society, and a member of the 11th Committee of the Education Working Committee of China Agricultural Machinery Society. He was an academic visitor in Zhejiang University (2013.09-2014.08) and University of Nebraska Lincoln (2016.12-2017.06). His main research interests are intelligent agricultural and forestry equipment, agricultural machinery navigation and unmanned operation, digital image analysis and processing. In recent years, he hosted 2 academic programs of Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Department and participated in many national and provincial programs. He was a Chief editor and co editor of 4 textbooks and he has published more than 40 academic papers, including 15 included in SCI/EI, and 12 authorized patents.
His representative papersare as follows:
[1]Chen Qinhan,Yao Lijian*,Xu Lijun,Yang Yankun,Xu Taotao,Yang Yuncong,Liu Yu. Horticultural Image Feature Matching Algorithm Based on Improved ORB and LK Optical Flow[J]. Remote Sensing,2022,14(18):4465
[2]Xu Lijun,Yang Yankun,Chen Qinhan,Fu Fengcheng,Yang Bihang,Yao Lijian*. Path Tracking of a 4WIS–4WID Agricultural Machinery Based on Variable Look-Ahead Distance[J]. Applied Sciences,2022,12(17):8651
[3]Yao Lijian,HuDong,Zhao Chao,YangZidong, Zhang Zhao.Wireless positioning and path tracking for a mobile platform in greenhouse[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2021; 14(1): 216–223.
[4]Yao Lijian, ShatoshK Pitla, Zhao Chao,LiewCT,YangZidong.An improved fuzzy logic control method for path tracking of an autonomous vehicle[J]. Transactions of the ASABE, 2020, 63(6): 1895-1904.
[5]Yao Lijian,HuDong,YangZidong,LiHaibin,QianMengbo.Depth recovery for unstructured farmland road image using an improved SIFT algorithm[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2019; 12(4): 141-147.